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Here we're gathering all our milestones of Horse in Need. Prepare for touching, happy, beautiful but also true sad stories that happen through our work. Every month there'll be a new story. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date about Horse in Need or head over to our Social Media Chanels and subscribe. This way you'll never miss anything of Horse in Need.

The Big Move

The clock was ticking. We had to move over forty horses fast, but we did not know where to...

Poor Miguel

Miguel was found by the police. He had been so weak that he couldn't stand up on his own...

The Two Orphans

Pedro & Rubina were found alone and starving in something that looked more like a dark hole than a stable...

Pepe's New Beginning

Pepe was found almost starved to death. Luckily he has happy beginning. Look how he turned out...

The Foundation

Mejilla and her foal turned out to be the early foundation of Horse in Need...

The Very First

This mare has been literally thrown out of a van in front of the dog shelter in La Linea...

Every month a new story. Stay tuned...

Give help where it's needed most

The cases of misusing, neglecting and abandoning seem to grow in the south of Spain. All animals of Horse in Need are rescues. Please help to help.

Horse in Need

Restoring hope, building dignity